(317) 760-0122 Appointment

EvolveX in Carmel, IN

What is EvolveX?

Radiant Rejuvenation

At our Med Spa in Carmel EvolveX employs advanced technologies, such as bipolar radiofrequency (RF) and electrical muscle stimulation (EMS), to target multiple skin layers simultaneously. This novel approach stimulates collagen production, tightens sagging skin, and enhances muscle tone, resulting in smoother, firmer, and more defined contours.

Carmel EvolveX model with brown hair

What can EvolveX do for me?

Evolve X Benefits

  • Tighten and tone loose skin
  • Reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines
  • Improve skin texture and elasticity
  • Enhance muscle definition and contouring
  • Boost confidence and self-esteem

Elevate Your Beauty

EvolveX vs Microneedling

Microneedling is known for its effectiveness in treating certain skin concerns. However, for a more comprehensive solution that targets both the skin's surface and underlying muscle tissue, EvolveX is a better option. By using a dual-action approach, EvolveX delivers superior results in skin tightening, muscle toning, and overall rejuvenation.

Am I a candidate for EvolveX?

Evolve X Candidates

With EvolveX Carmel patients are getting an ideal solution if they are looking to improve the appearance of sagging skin, wrinkles, and muscle laxity, regardless of their skin type or tone. However, some medical conditions or contraindications may affect your eligibility for treatment. During your consultation, we will evaluate your individual needs and determine whether EvolveX is the right choice for you.

Sculpt, Tone, Evolve

Consultation and Preparation

Prior to your EvolveX treatment, you will have a consultation with our experienced practitioners to discuss your goals and expectations. We will provide personalized recommendations and instructions to ensure optimal results. Pre-treatment preparations may include avoiding certain medications or skincare products.

Carmel evolvex model golfing

Revive & Thrive


During the procedure itself, you can expect to feel relaxed and at ease, thanks to the use of a numbing agent to minimize any potential discomfort. The EvolveX device is carefully applied to the target areas, delivering precise radiofrequency energy and electrical muscle stimulation to stimulate collagen production and enhance muscle tone. With customizable settings and personalized care, our team ensures that each session is optimized for your maximum benefit.

Carmel Stillwater Skin & Medspa office staff

Elevate Your Glow

Results, Recovery, and Aftercare

Many patients notice improvements in their skin's appearance immediately following treatment, with continued enhancement over the following weeks. While there is minimal downtime associated with our Carmel EvolveX treatment, some redness or swelling may occur temporarily. We will provide post-treatment instructions to optimize your recovery and maintain your results.

Why choose Stillwater?

Sculpting Serenity

Our commitment to excellence is evident in every aspect of practice at Stillwater Skin & Med Spa. Led by Dr. Emily Luerssen, our facility has earned a reputation for delivering exceptional results and personalized care. Dr. Luerssen's expertise and dedication have been recognized through various accolades and positive media coverage, highlighting her outstanding contributions to the field of aesthetic medicine. Our team is dedicated to staying at the forefront of innovation and providing our patients with the highest standard of care. We ensure that each individual receives a tailored treatment plan designed to enhance their natural beauty and boost their confidence.

EvolveXFrequently Asked Questions

EvolveX is a safe, FDA-approved treatment that has minimal risks. There are some potential side effects, including temporary swelling, redness, or discomfort.

While EvolveX can produce long-lasting results, regular maintenance treatments are recommended in order to sustain optimal long-term results.

Most patients tolerate the treatments well and experience minimal discomfort.

This treatment is suitable for all skin types and tones. Our experienced practitioners will customize the treatment to address your specific concerns and skin condition.

The cost of EvolveX treatment varies depending on the number of sessions needed and the areas treated. During your consultation, we will provide you with a personalized quote based on your individual treatment plan.

Dr. Luerssen is a renowned physician and Medical Director with numerous awards for her service in the United States Army. With a focus on the patient and an unwavering dedication to bringing out her patients' inner glow, she raises the bar for customer satisfaction. Place your trust in Stillwater Skin & Med Spa and let Dr. Luerssen help you get your glow back! Book your appointment and learn more about our treatment options for clearer, brighter, and more vibrant skin today!

12955 Old Meridian St, UNIT 105, Carmel, IN 46032